All it takes is a spark!
My coachee wanted to explore where her heritage qualification might take her in terms of developing a different, new career path. While working to complete her dissertation, she was looking to build a plan of action for after it was submitted.

Over a number of coaching sessions, The Authentic Spark supported her to:
Understand and deal with barriers and limiting self beliefs getting in the way of completing her dissertation
Consider her strengths – what aspects of work and the sector give her a buzz – and how she might like to use these
Challenge her own perceptions about what a carer in heritage ‘should’ look like and have the courage to carve a route that works for her

Alongside the coaching, The Authentic Spark provided mentoring to help build contacts and networks where the coachee could gain experience. She has completed and submitted her dissertation and through meeting with contacts shared has set up some work experience in her chosen area.